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Portal ingame.jpg

Portal 2 Level Design (Editor)

Portal 2 levels

Academic Solo Project


About the game

Engine: Portal 2 Level Editor

Platform: PC

Development Duration: 1 Week

Team Composition: Solo Project

Portal ingame.png

Portal 2: Level Design

Portal 2: Level Design is an individual college project in which we designed 3 chambers on its portal level editor.

Portal 2 is a puzzle platformer where the player creates portals to teleport and solve the puzzle level. 

Storytelling, play testing and bug fixing and various documentation were also part of the learning experience. 
To make sure that the player is engaged I used different in-game elements such as paint and wave teleporter to keep it more interesting.

my role

Level Designer:  

  • Using the Portal 2 Level Editor, I created 3 levels and uploaded them to the Steam workshop community.

  • From making 3D sketches to building them on the editor and having strenuous playtests for the proper functioning of the levels.

  • The levels vary in difficulty and I kept one element common in all levels i.e. the orange and blue fluid which is required for the player to navigate and complete the level.

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